Presented by: General U. S. Grant (a.k.a. Dr. Curt Fields)

Location: UNT Health Science Center, MET Building, 1000 Montgomery Street, Fort Worth 76107
Dinner: 6 PM Program: 7PM
Dinner Menu: Pan Seared Chicken Breast with Boursin Sauce, Roasted Vegetables, Roasted New Potatoes, Garden Salad and Desserts – $20 per person – RSVP to or call or text 817-307-9263.
General Grant is back! One of our most popular programs for the last few years has been the appearance of General U. S. Grant (Dr. Curt Fields). We are very fortunate to have him back for our closing program of the season. He will be talking about one of the most important events of the Civil War – the surrender by Gen. Robert E. Lee of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox.
Dr. Fields has been a lifelong student of the American Civil War. His interest in portraying General U. S. Grant was driven by his study of the War and subsequent respect and admiration for General Grant. He is the same height and body style as General Grant and, therefore, presents a convincing, realistic image of the General. He has researched and read extensively about General Grant in order to deliver an accurate persona of the man, speaking during presentations in first person, quoting from General Grant’s memoirs, articles, and letters he wrote, or statements he made in interviews.
Dr. Fields is a popular participant in many Civil War events – including Appomattox in April every year. His extensive preparation and realistic presentation make for a memorable experience. You don’t want to miss this event. In fact, this would be a good time to bring guests. They will be entertained and informed. See you on the 14th!